DNOA students receive a minimum of two individual coaching sessions a week with a wide range of experienced and accomplished coaches from the international world of opera.

With the aim of honing your musical, interpretative and linguistic skills, comprehensive and detailed feedback is offered on a range of topics including vocal technique, stylistic awareness and all areas of performance.
Furthermore, in addition to language coaching, students also participate in regular ensemble classes where the focus is on musical, interpretative and dramatic interaction and dialogue in an ensemble context, and how to balance technical and musical autonomy with the requirements and requests of a conductor, director or colleague.
“The DNOA offers a rare experience to those looking to a career in opera. The highest level of teaching from full-time and guest teachers, fantastic performance opportunities, and an incredibly encouraging and open atmosphere in which to grow as a performer.”
Useful resources
Our curriculum
Read more details about the curriculum, programme objectives and assessment criteria.
Financial support
Find out more information about financial support through scholarships and funds.
Our facilities
Find out about the facilities that our partner Universities offer in Amsterdam and the Hague.
The closing date for applications to join the programme next year is
Friday 19. January 2025.